We are at 2802 St Johns St in Port Moody, British Columbia
Q1. Can I preview items for sale?
Ans : In most cases yes. We have select preview dates which can be found on our auctions.
Q2. Why are some items Graded?
Ans : Grading is a great way of defining the quality of an item, whether it is a card, coin, comic or anything else. When an item is graded it is also sealed so that the grading stated remains accurate.
Q3. How do I get my item graded?
Ans : We are able to grade your items here at Wide World of Collectibles, and as such can arrange a special deal for anyone buying or selling through us.
Q4. An Auction item I was watching is no longer appearing?
Ans : We reserve the right to cancel an item at any time, however it is very rare that we do this, and is only done as a last resort.
Q5. What is the Buyer’s Premium?
Ans : Our buyer’s premium is 18% which is a service charge added to the final price of any lot sold. This fee is added to all items prior to checkout, along with any taxes.
We have in-person pick ups at our store on Wednesday and Thursday between 12-4pm PST.
Alternatively our shipping team would be happy to help you with any questions support@wideworldofcollectibles.com
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